
「FM」/The Slits ⇒「Douglas Traherne Harding」/Incredible String Band ⇒「Dust of the Train to the Sun」/The Magik Markers ⇒「Azathoth」/Fat Day ⇒「It Is Obvious」/Syd Barrett ⇒「Are We People」/Tristeza ⇒「Strange Dreams - Strange Wo…

Exclusive: Art Brut Sign American Record Deal

They released their record! TWICE! They released their record! TWICE! It took a whole year, but Art Brut's barnstorming debut album finally has an American record label and Stateside release date. Bang Bang Rock & Roll will come out May 23…

Nikki Sudden Dead at 49

Nikki Sudden, former co-leader of the Swell Maps and the Jacobites and accomplished solo artist, has died at the age of 49. The inspirational rock veteran, born Nicholas Godfrey, passed away Sunday in New York, where he and had performed a…

『The Complete Guide To Insufficiency』/David Thomas Broughton 『Mars Loves Venus』/The Brunettes 『Young Canadian Mothers 7"』/Final Fantasy 『Acoustic Citsuoca (Live! At The Startime Pavilion October 31st)』 /My Morning Jacket 『Keep…



『new york doll』を観たよ。

正直ニューヨーク・ドールズに特別な思い入れはないがアーサー" キラー"ケインのあたたかな人柄に触れて落涙。ちょっと、言葉にならないです。

渋谷で『new york doll』の試写。 開始20分前に到着。近くのタリーズで一服。席に戻ると中西俊夫らしき人が取り巻きを引き連れて来場。いま何で飯食ってんでしょうか。 終映後、人間関係でひと休みしてから代官山下車。中目に流れて目黒川の桜を見ながら少し…