Jana Hunter Sets Home Free, Tours

C'est chic, le freak-folk
Texan songstress and Gnomonsong signee Jana Hunter will cast off the shackles of domesticity on her sophomore disc, There's No Home, heading to the buyer's market April 2. Fans of the strummy stuff may recall "Farm, CA," the Hunter tune stuck in the mangy beard that was the Devendra Banhart-curated Golden Apples of the Sun freak folk showcase record, as well as her own well-received 2005 effort Blank Unstaring Heirs of Doom.
Recorded at a friend's home in Houston, There's No Home packs plenty of the cathedral-ceiling harmonies, finger-plucked acoustic guitars, and freeform song structure you've come to expect from the freak-folkies. Guest-turns on the record are slim given the collective's tendency towards collaboration, but Jana's brother John Hunter contributes a few vocals, and John Adams of the Fatal Flying Guilloteens and Matt Brownlie of Bring Back the Guns handle a few instrumental duties.
The now Home-less Hunter will hit the road for a number of U.S. dates through April, then take a spin around Europe this May.