The Social Registry news

While we're talking about the much anticipated US tour it might be a good time to mention that we will be releasing the debut from NYC's Blood Lines on a new TSR/GGD yet to be named imprint. The band, comprised of former Cranium members Raquel & Jim along with Bizzie (formerly the drummer for Wikkid) and Alli (who also plays in telepathy), has been working at Junkyard Audio Salvage at a whirlwind pace in the hopes of finishing their record in time for the Gang Gang Dance tour. Why the rush? Because they'll be opening up for GGD throughout the US tour. They should have copies on the road with them through out the tour so get excited. Also on the merch table will be a reissue of the rumored Hillulah CDEP which was previously only available in CDR form on last years Animal Collective tour. Save your pennies.

In case your only reading bolded type: All Vinyl Preorders Will Ship This Week. Our apologies on the delays but if something is worth doing it's worth doing right and these are oh so right.

Now onto some other news. In June we will be releasing TK Webb's debut CD KCK. It is quite possibly one of the most perfect records we have ever had the joy of releasing. Simply perfect. Blues music in nature but very strange & beautiful; more at home amongst the TSR ranks than those of a blues imprint.

Also that month we will release a limited edition 12" by NYC's Psychic Ills complete with a Sonic Boom remix. We were hoping that the record would catch many people off guard but it seems they blew a few too many minds at South By Southwest this year.

Turning to our favorites of last years releases: Blood On The Wall & Samara Lubelski will be following things up later this year with second records all around.

Blood On The Wall's second, tentatively titled "Laced", is going to be the musical equivalent of a magic trick for anyone that is a fan of the band; now you see them and then poof: they are now standing a hundred and fifty feet tall with laser beams shooting out of their eyes. Yes: It is that impressive a trick they will be pulling on you all so be on guard around August.

Samara Lubelski's newest work has been a closely guarded secret for months. At the moment the music industry blogers are speculating she has finished wait that was her on the phone this afternoon saying she might have finished it...the blogers were saying something about a new My Bloody Valentine record. Recorded in Germany and in Brooklyn over the last year the record features a new ensemble of new & old players including the last recordings of Marc Moore before his untimely passing last November. Details on that master piece to follow and then to be followed by a release...let's say September/October. The fine people over at Destilj will be doing vinyl duty again and will hopefully do as fantastic a job as the did on her last record.

Samara has also been quite busy in the studio preparing some other fine folk-psych masterpieces. First up is a track for one of our favorite local label Amish Records which will appear on what is being tentatively titled "The Amish Comp". Alongside Samara will be PG Six, Theo Angell (of Hall Of Fame), Dan Brown (Also of Hall Of Fame) along with several other usual suspects. Aside from that she will also be contributing to amative undertaking between the newly formed brainstrust comprised of Time-Lag & Eclipse Records. Anyone familiar with either of these two outfits will expect a beautifully crafted thought provoking project; what they may not be expecting is a series of 78's from Samara, MV, 6 Organs Of Admittance and several other travelers. We probably shouldn't have said anything as we're now going to have to pay 10,000$ for a copy of Samara's record on Ebay.

Do we have more? Yes we have more. Is a reissue still a reissue if it never came out? If we issue a record recorded over 20 years ago and someone reissues it in another 20 years was it ever really issued at all? If few know it existed but it the tapes remained preserved in the original performers hands was it ever really lost? These questions and many more will be answered when we begin unraveling the mystery that is Interference. Short story is that it is somewhat of a missing link in early 80's NYC minimalist No-Wave movement; as vital as anything you've ever heard about and in many a case more remarkable than anything you have heard.

Jah Division is taking requests by the way: email them via "jahdivision at". Sorry for the lack of a working email link but the spam mail has been pouring in.

We owe you all some MP3's which should be up soon. We're low on web server space and are in the process of reorganizing the webspace. Luckily this will provide quite a bit of new photos, media and what not. Anyone that has been anxiously awaiting our online store to being selling the Tomorrow's Friend or Deer Hunter unregistered 7"s please accept our apologies.