
転寝からさめると「ボクらの時代」。出演者は青山真治・浅野忠信・寺島進。ちょうど「サッドヴァケイション」を見たばかりなので絶好のタイミング。相変わらず役者を離れた浅野忠信は好青年だなあ。 駅前の喫茶店。世界柔道どっちらけ。アキバで麻生フィーヴ…

真夏並みの暑さ。 駅前の喫茶店。祭り。 姪、来家。

『Rawwar』/Gang Gang Dance





とりあえず脱稿。 駅前の喫茶店。駅前の高校で体育祭。熱狂的な応援合戦。 「24」新シリーズ。 いつの間にか勢いづく福田勢。

安倍、辞任。 日本vsカタール。

キーパンチ。 深夜、日本vsスイス。

駅前の喫茶店。 キーパンチ。



渋谷。代官山下車。 阪神10連勝。



姪、来家。新しい携帯を買う。最新機種。大型量販店で買うよりもかなりお買い得価格。 夜はオリンピック代表のサッカー観戦。

Magik Markers Announce BOSS Fall Tour

Recovering noiseniks and current Sonic Youth BFFs Magik Markers have announced the dates of a fall tour in support of their forthcoming complete-with-actual-"songs" LP, BOSS. The record comes out on Ecstatic Peace on September 25, and the …

Lou Reed Works With the Killers on New Track

Hey babe, take a walk on the brightside A couple years back, I recall seeing a very out-of-place-looking Lou Reed at some MTV event or another talking to Gideon Yago, decrying the network's recent resistance to rock music. Yago asked Reed …

Thurston Edits Punk House Book, Issues Split Box Set

You wake, wipe the crust from your eyes (or don't), have a drink of water (if it's potable, or not), roll over to the other side of the bed (if you have a bed), and then punk out all the live long day. Such is the oddly glamorous life of a…

渋谷。台風の残り香のような強風。 夜はサッカー観戦。

Tiny Masters of Today Pal Around With YYYs, Liars, CSS

Surely it's been said before, but it bears repeating: Tiny Masters of Today are exactly that. Tiny. Barely-teenaged bro Ivan and sis Ada-- two years Ivan's junior-- threw a few tracks on MySpace some months back, which caught the attention…

台風は目前。雨の合間を縫い駅前の喫茶店に。週刊文春&新潮。 キーパンチ。 夜、台風通過。突風で家がきしむ。 多摩川ハンラン。流されるホームレス。まるで岸辺のアルバム状態。 しかしほとんどの局がなぜかホームレスだとは報じず。あんな時間に多摩川に…

Sleater-Kinney's Brownstein Does Comedy, Lecture, Ads

Hard to believe it's been over a year now since Sleater-Kinney played their final show (repeat after me: "It's just an indefinite hiatus. It's just an indefinite hiatus."). And indefinite hiatus though it may be, the vacationing members of…