
Cat Power Prepares Second Covers Record

When she's not filling her MySpace blog with exhortations to buy eco-friendly cars or using it to ask "whatchall feel about Obama + Hillary??," Shortlist Prize winner and Pitchfork Music Festival alumna Chan Marshall (aka Cat Power) occasi…

『Boss』/The Magik Markers (NEW!) 『Visitations』/Visitations (NEW!) 『Suited and Looted』/Uffie (NEW!) 『Heck Yeah! EP!』/teamAWESOME! (NEW!) 『This Is Crucial Reggae』/Desmond Dekker (NEW!) 『Utopia』/Murcof

『Fifty-Five Historical Recordings』/Inuit



昼前に姪が。軽くハグして用事で渋谷。駅前のビルで昼飯。あれこれ。 帰宅。シャワー浴びて姪とごはん。明日の資料作り。 録画しておいた「ホタルノヒカリ」など。