
Battles Talk Mirrored, Vocals, Side Projects

"We're no more an instrumental band than we are a rock'n'roll band with no lead singer." --Tyondai Braxton There's a new behemoth in town, and Battles is its name. The fire-breathing, Warp-signed supergroup comprised of Tyondai Braxton, Ia…

Devendra, Sunset Rubdown, Why? Cover/Remix Xiu Xiu

5RC will soon ship off for that great big record store in the sky (where they have everything on vinyl), but not before treating discerning audiences to one last left-of-center indie gem-- and this one might as well be the Hope Diamond. On…

『Peel Session』/Dinosaur Jr. 『The Bells』/Lou Reed 『Street Hassle』/Lou Reed 『Thunder Lightning Strike』/the Go! Team 『Lord Krishna von Goloka』/Sergius Golowin 『Daydreaming』/Rafael Anton Irisarri 『Kindertotenlieder』/KTL 『…



起床。キーパンチ。 弔問しておいて亡くなった人の名前間違えるなよな、安倍総理。 昨日の話しだっけか、これ。 黒沢清「叫」がもうれつに見たい。。。